TP654 illmod TRIO 1050

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TP654 is an impregnated, pre-compressed multi-functional window sealing tape based on 2 new technologies:
1. A 3-layer foam structure: the grey foam is an airtight closed cell foam which provides a 100% secure airtight connection to the window frame and the wall. The black foam has a slow recovery time which allows a successful installation.
2. An airtight layer is inserted inside the tape, connecting the grey foam and the black foam from the top to the bottom. Combined, these 2 technologies provide a high-performance sealing level with a driving rain resistance up to 1050 Pa and an airtightness level more than double the requirements.

• After measuring the width of the joint and ensuring the total movement is within the capacity of the selected tape size, application may proceed.
• Remove any contamination or mortar residue from reveal. Any areas where significant undulations or damage is present should be repaired locally using an appropriate mortar.
• Remove outer release liner and cut the first 20 mm at the start of the roll. Unroll the tape without stretching it.
• Apply the tape to the outer edge of the window frame, recessed back from the external frame face by 1-2 mm, applying a separate length for each side to be sealed (Fig. 1).
• Install vertical joints from the bottom to the top.
• In the corners, do not continue around, but cut the tape and butt the ends perpendicularly (Fig. 2).
• The window is then immediately installed into the opening and fixed through the frame.
• We recommend to seal the corners with an illbruck sealant such as SP525 or SP025.

• The compatibility of sealants, other than illbruck, must be tested.
• The tape must not come into contact with chemicals containing solvents or corrosive substances.
• High temperatures accelerate tape expansion, while low temperatures delay this.

Safety data sheet must be read and understood before use.

  • High raintight and airtight performance level
  • Easy application: the tape can be installed either way around due to its variable Sd value.
  • Secure airtight installation on the window frame and the wall due to its 3-layer foam structure
  • Suitable for joints between 6 - 25 mm wide using only two sizes of TP654
TP654 Technical Data Sheet (en-GB) TDS